Clinica Camila Dutra



Learn more about the treatment

One of the cosmetic surgeries we are currently performing at our clinic is the bichectomy! This procedure consists of the partial or total removal of fat from the cheeks (called the bichat ball) and has been much sought after by people, especially women, who want to slim their faces and jawlines, which they normally try to do with make-up. Celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Madonna and many others have already joined the trend for this procedure, which is simple, quick and gives excellent results. 

Answering questions about Bichectomy:

What happens during the surgery is that the fat ball that gives the unwanted shape to the cheeks is removed and the face becomes thinner.

The cut does not exceed 1 cm and is made on the inside of the mouth.

The procedure usually lasts around 30 minutes.

The patient goes home the same day.

The procedure is painless, but some patients experience minor swelling for a few days.

No, the stitches are internal and are absorbed by the cut and there is no scar.
The face becomes much more defined and the cheekbones more evident, giving the person a slim and lean profile.

See below interviews and videos of Dr. Camila talking about Bichectomy.

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