Clinica Camila Dutra


Social Responsibility

Clínica Camila Dutra Kids

Great news is coming with the objective of taking care of the whole family: Camila Dutra Kids Clinic. The same excellence in dentistry especially for the little ones.

We seek to offer advice to families and caretakers beyond dental treatment. When one takes care of a child, he or she must be aware of not only the environment the child is used to, but also we need to be aware of their environment, their habits and their carers' and family members' knowledge. It is based on this concept that we want to collaborate with parents, jointly developing solutions to many routine problems and answers to frequently asked questions.

Nada mais lindo do que ver o sorriso de uma criança, um momento contagiante e capaz de renovar muitas energias. É por meio de seus projetos de responsabilidade social que a Clínica Camila Dutra que espalhar amor, carinho e muitos sorrisos.

transform your smile

It's time to smile to the world!

Fill in the form and we will contact you, or contact us via WhatsApp.

(19) 3242-0181

(19) 97106-0181

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